April 1, 2024

21 déc. 1970 - Elvis and Nixon


One days Elvis was out having dinner in LA he noticed a man with a certain type of badge. It was a badge from the federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Elvis believed that this badge could get him into the country with foreign drugs and gun Elvis wanted one for himself so he flies to washington to get one for himself. On the flight there Elvis writes a letter to Nixon asking for the badge and to meet him. He delivers it to the White house and later finds himself meeting with the president. He asked for the badge and Nixon said it could be done. Elvis was so happy he hugged the president. The power of the badge gets to him and he starts pulling people over and he even stopped a plane. Years later Elvis dies to a drug overdose which is kind of ironic.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

7 juin 2018


21 déc. 1970
~ Il y a 53 ans

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