June 15, 2024

1 janv. 1961 - Berlin Crisis 1961




- The refugee crisis [i'm assuming you know]
- 2000 per day in 1961
- Maths departement
- In Nov 1958, Khrushchev wanted E Berlin and issued an ultimatum giving US troops 6 months to leave Berlin. Eisenhower didn't want to loose Berlin or start a war so arranged a series of Summit conferences;
- Geneva 1959
- Representatives agreed a meeting of
Eisenhower and Khrushchev at Camp David.
- Camp David 1959
- Khrushchev agreed to withdraw the
ultimatum and Paris arranged.
- Paris 1960
- The conference was called off after tensions
caused by the USSR shooting down a US
U-2 Spy plane over Russia. The soviets
declared an apology but the US refused
claiming they had a right to protect
themselves from a surprise attack (the
plane had images of missile sights).
- Vienna 1961
- When JFK became president another
meeting was set up. Khrushchev tried to
bully the inexperienced JFK and issued
another 6 month ultimatum. JFK refused
and increased US defence budget by an
extra $3.2 billion. Stalemate had been


- In 1961 the USSR built a wall on their side of the boarder and made it clear anyone who tried to cross would be shot. The E Berliners saw it as a sign of their inferiority.
- In the first year 41 people were shot
- The west did nothing, not wanting to risk war

- It ended the refugee crisis and Khrushchev saw it as a victory
- In 1963 JFK made his "ich bin ein Berliner" speech in W Berlin showing solidarity with the Berliners. Asking if Communism is so good, why do they need a wall to keep people in? He said the US would never desert W Berlin.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 janv. 1961
~ Il y a 63 ans