June 15, 2024

1 juill. 1945 - Potsdam Conference


|July 1945|

The Grand Alliance:
• Stalin
• Attlee (Not Churchill)
• Trueman (Not Roosevelt)

Decisions were made about the reparations Germany was to pay:

- Stalin wanted to cripple Germany to prevent them invading the USSR for a third time in the last 50 years but the UK and USA wanted to keep Germany strong so it acted as a buffer to the spread of communism into Europe.
- It was agreed that Germany would pay the USSR reparations in the form of equipment and materials.

- Germany was to be demilitarised and democracy brought back in.
- The Nazi party was banned and international trials for war crimes continued

- Stalin had already set up a Communist government in Poland despite agreeing to give all countries under Soviet control free elections in the Yalta Conference

Since the Yalta Conference lots had changed, Churchill was replaced by Attlee and Roosevelt by Truman. Stalin and Roosevelt had got along well but Truman distrusted Stalin and was determined t stand up to him. The USA had also tested their first atomic bomb before the conference which Stalin knew about due to his spies but pretended not to know, he later in the conference he 'found out' and showed his true anger at the US not notifying him.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 juill. 1945
~ Il y a 79 ans