April 1, 2024

1 janv. 2081 - The War on Titan


“It is not by chance that I am here. The blame falls squarely upon my shoulders..” - Syrus Nash

The War on Titan (known as WT)was the first galactic war in mankind's history brought on by civil war. It last 3 days and would take many years to repair the damage done. It involved the Gideon MK I crew, as well as the MK II crew. While less than a hundred were hurt and/or killed, it caused a massive distrust in the Comharsa’s. After Siri successfully landed the G: MKI on Titan after an 8-year journey, he began assisting the Comharsa’s in terraforming the planet. While there, he realized they were after a Comharsa on Earth and the species was in fact endangered. It is this that leads to Syrus’ downfall as he begins distrusting humans and detest the Aliens for lying.
The Comharsa’s detected another of their kind a hundred years ago and began traversing. To make it look like a diplomatic visit, they assisted in advancing human technology in exchange for human labor. Seeing the destruction of mankind as imminent, Syrus began scheming a plan to overthrow the Comharsa’s believing humans “not ready” for alien contact. When the Gideon MK II crashed on Titan, Syrus shut down Terell (the Bio-City keeping humans alive while terraforming) trapping The Capt. Orion Matthews and Cmdr. Luna Skye inside. Syrus leaves Orion for dead and heads toward the Alien Structure named: The Citadel. Orion races back to the MK II leaving Luna in charge of Terell (which she successfully gains control over).

At the ship, Orion finds the source of the fuel problem: a Comharsa had been smuggled on the ship. In honor of his grandfather, Orion nicknames this alien Pappy. They are accompanied by his flight crew to the Citadel to stop Syrus but are shot down by the deranged Admiral. Orion and Pappy are the only ones to survive. Dominik Lazlo sadly passed away along with four other flight officers. Syrus manages to intercept an Alien ship and sets a course for their new homeworld. Pappy and Orion are able to make it onboard. Luna begins repairs on Tarell. The War cause the UFT to enforce harder psychological evaluations and long simulations, believing Syrus to be “ill-fated”.

Avoiding a public nightmare, all record on Earth reveal the Comharsa’s as the first attacker, causing humans to become edgy towards the species. The UFT enrollment took a sharp decline after the War and Titan become classified as a dead-end moon. The agreed to let Luna finish the project and complete the terraformation of Titan. However, talks of abandoning the Moon began circulating. The UFT never saw Syrus Nash again. He is still listed in official records as: M.I.A.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

23 avr. 2023
Titan Slot Timeline


1 janv. 2081
~ 56 ans plus tard

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