April 1, 2024

1 déc. 1955 - Rosa Parks does not give up seat


Rosa Parks was one gutsy lady. But people who know her say she was just tired that Dec day in 1955 when she refused to obey the law that said she must give up her seat in the front of the bus to a white person. (Tired of self degradation) Her actions inspired Martin L. King and black citizens of Montgomery, Alabama to follow a one year boycott of that city's busses. Their actions resulted in the desegregation of Montgomery bus system. Rev King, only 27 at the time, was inspired by the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ and Mohandas Gandhi and in turn inspired a generation of African Americans to carry out what we now refer to as the civil rights movement. Sit-Ins and SNCC was just one outgrowth of the movement started by King and Parks.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

11 mai 2018


1 déc. 1955
~ Il y a 68 ans