April 1, 2024

7 déc. 1895 - Venezuelan border crisis with Britain


President Cleveland and his Sec. Of State Olney sent a clear message to Great Britain reiterating the Monroe Doctrine (Europeans should not think of expanding territorially in the Western hemisphere or it will be taken as an attack on the U.S.) by applying it to a border dispute between Venezuela and British Guinean 1895. It is significant in that it mark's a turning point in British policy toward the U.S. In the twentieth century Britain will court the U. S. as an ally to counter its vulnerability to its European enemies. I also give Pres. Cleveland high marks for his integrity in refusing to back U.S. annexation of Hawaii when he realized the Hawaii people did not will it. He also rejected calls for a U.S. invasion of Cuba in 1896.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

11 mai 2018


7 déc. 1895
~ Il y a 128 ans