June 15, 2024

10 janv. 2018 - Attack on Greenwich Village


-Just as Doctor Strange and Wong are about to leave the New York Sanctum, Bruce Banner crashes inside the place, having been brought there by Heimdall's bridge. After Banner tells what happened, Strange uses his powers to bring in Tony Stark, who was with Pepper Potts, discussing their future wedding.

-Once Stark is brought up to date about the Infinity Stones, he tells that Vision, who has the Mind Stone embedded in his head, is currently disappeared. After explaining to Banner about the Avengers Civil War, Banner still insists Captain America is the one that could discover Vision's whereabouts, but as Stark thinks about calling Rogers, they notice the Q-Ship has arrived.

-From inside the Midtown School of Science and Technology bus, Peter Parker sees the Q-Ship and asks Ned Leeds to create a distraction so people don't notice him leaving the vehicle and putting on the Spider-Man Suit.

-Black Order members Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian arrive outside the Sanctum Santorum and demand the Time Stone from Strange. He refuses, and a battle ensues, which Spider-Man joins but not the Hulk, in spite of Banner's intentions to transform. Cull Obsidian is teleported by Wong to the Arctic, losing a hand in the process, while Ebony Maw brings an immobilized Strange to the Q-Ship. Spider-Man and Iron Man give chase, and eventually board the ship. Wong returns to the Sanctum to become its master and protector in Strange's absence, while Banner picks up Stark's phone to call Captain Rogers.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


10 janv. 2018
~ Il y a 6 ans et 4 mois

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