June 15, 2024

5 juill. 1978 - Snape Becomes a Partner


Severus talks with the Apothocary owner, asking for a partnership despite his lack of Mastership. he's honest about why, and shows Slughorn's letter when the owner states he got a personal owl from Slughorn asking him to give Severus a chance. this stuns Snape, but he quickly recovers to show off his skillfully and more potent potions, includeing an expirimental Wolfsbane that he got Remus to agree to try in an agreement. the potency and wolfsbane impress the owner, who tells severus they'd try a six month trial run; if he was still impressed, he had a fulltime partnership, if not, he'd be let go. The owner explains Severus will be payed under the counter until he had a Mastership. Severus is exstatic, and Apparates home imidiately to inform and sweep Lily off her feet. she's just as happy as he is.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

17 avr. 2018


5 juill. 1978
~ Il y a 45 ans