June 15, 2024

1646–1652 Great Plague of Seville (greatest plague of 17th century Spain) (9 Nov 1646 Jahr – 6 Dez 1652 Jahr)


The Plague of 1646–1652
"The Great Plague of Seville"; believed to have arrived by ship from Algeria, it was spread north by coastal shipping, afflicting towns and their hinterlands along the Mediterranean coast as far north as Barcelona.

Unlike the plague of 1596–1602, which claimed 600,000 to 700,000 lives, or a little under 8% of the population and initially struck northern and central Spain and Andalusia in the south, the Great Plague, which may have arisen in Algeria, struck the Mediterranean side of Spain first.

The coastal city of Valencia was the first city to be hit, losing an estimated 30,000 people. The disease raged through Andalucía, in addition to sweeping the north into Catalonia and Aragon. The coast of Málaga lost upwards of 50,000 people.

In Seville, quarantine measures were evaded, ignored, unproposed and/or unenforced The results were devastating.

The city of Seville and its rural districts were thought to have lost 150,000 people— starting with a total population of 600,000.

Altogether Spain was thought to have lost 500,000 people, out of a population of slightly fewer than 10,000,000, or nearly 5% of its entire population.

This was the greatest, but not the only, plague of 17th century Spain

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


9 Nov 1646 Jahr
6 Dez 1652 Jahr
~ 6 years