June 15, 2024

Al Geier at University of Rochester 50 years, taught JMNR (13 Feb 1963 Jahr – 18 Feb 2015 Jahr)


PhD Johns Hopkins 1964

Managing Committee member, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1965-73 (Seth Bernardete and Eva Brann did this program earlier)

Al was JMNR's teacher. Adam Johnson tells the story here http://scriptoriumdaily.com/al-geier-at-torrey-learning-in-leisure/:

"It all started with John Mark telling the same story a few too many times – about the week-long seminars he would have with Al every summer during his graduate studies, where they would discuss a single text from mid-morning until the wee hours of the night, over the course of a week. To discuss a text from 10am until…. 2 or 3am, and then return to do the same thing for days on end… it seemed like something from another world, and for that reason it was enchanting....

"The times we had with Al (eventually joined by his daughter, Naomi) over the next few years were truly remarkable. True to John Mark’s tales, we would begin class on Friday as soon as we could – around 1pm, and class would go until about 2am. We would get some rest, start again at 10:30am on Saturday, and go ‘till 2am once more. After some sleep and a church service, we’d be at it for a final stint, going until about 2am, and calling it a night. The next morning,
Socrates offered a sacrifice Al would fly back to Rochester.

"What do you learn, discussing the Republic, discussing any great book, for some 44 hours in the course of a single weekend? Too much to tell, but I will try.

In essence, I learned the profound role of leisure in a discussion...."

JMNR: https://www.firstthings.com/blogs/firstthoughts/2010/03/books-that-changed-my-life

"The two years spent with this book and Al Geier were the most academically productive of my life. Since then, I have come to find almost every truth needed in the pages of this book, saving only the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ."


"Alfred Geier joined the University as assistant professor of classics in 1963. Six years later, he was promoted to associate professor. Geier did his undergraduate studies in the great books program of St. John’s College in Queens, NY. After graduating, he served two years in the U. S. Army. He then received an MA in political science from the University of Chicago, where he met and was influenced by Leo Straus, a German-American political philosopher and classicist. In 1963, Geier earned his PhD in classics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.

"Geier spent his career at the University of Rochester. In 2015, he completed a remarkable 50 years of teaching here. During that half century, Geier taught the complete range of Greek and Latin courses, including upper-level courses in the main classical authors, as well as a variety of courses on ancient Greek intellectual history.

"Geier’s main research and teaching interest was on the work of Plato. He engaged generations of students in close, collaborative reading of the texts, employed the Socratic method, and encouraged wide-ranging discussions.

"Many of Geier’s devoted students returned to Rochester over the years to participate in marathon weekend readings of a Greek text. One of his former students commented that “the experience of Al Geier’s seminars was about as close as one could come to those Socrates-guided discussions, described by Plato, which were, after all, the very root of the Western way towards truth.” "

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

7 Okt 2022


13 Feb 1963 Jahr
18 Feb 2015 Jahr
~ 52 years