// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Andrew Jackson (26 März 1824 Jahr – 16 Dez 1837 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

Andrew Jackson (26 März 1824 Jahr – 16 Dez 1837 Jahr)


Was the general in the Battle of New Orleans
He and his tiny army quickly defeated the British in unfavorable odds
And he became a major war hero
Election of 1824:
Won the popular vote but didn’t get a simple majority of the electoral college and then lost when the vote went to the House
Because he lost, he coined the term “The Corrupt Bargain”
7th president (1829-1837)
Shifts focus from New England seaboard to the emerging western states
Gave Native American land to white settlers
Is the reason for the Trail of Tears
Killed the Second National Bank
“The spoil system”: fires everyone who opposes him from national office, and only appoints those who are in agreement with him
“Kitchen cabinet” Jackson’s group of friends who are his informal confidants
Made it clear that he was the supreme leader of the nation
Was a general in the position of a president

He got things done → he was efficient and effective in doing what he thought was right

He ignored the Supreme Court’s decision and started the Trail of Tears
His motives were generally selfish → trying to keep and hold as much power as possible
Was he a populist?

Had a big temper
Cared a lot about pride and honour
Believed in personal loyalty and friendships (to him)

Extended voting rights to non-property owning white men
Expanding the circle of who had a voice in democracy

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

10 Dez 2017


26 März 1824 Jahr
16 Dez 1837 Jahr
~ 13 years
