June 15, 2024

3rd Spawn Incursion (0 St. 1 Min, 28 Apr 2015 Jahr – 12 St 28 Mai 2015 Jahr)


The Wrath Incursion

Base of Origin: Asgard II, Rebellion, Frontline FOB.

Spawn Base: Volunteers Base, Wrath of Spawn.

Estimated duration: Exactly 1 month

The Third Incursion occurred during May of 2015. It started on the 29th of April, 2013, two years after the founding of Valkyria.

"It’s not just for the base name. The third incursion was mainly motivated by anger and frustration. Asgard II was recently destroyed and most of the 30 members were caught by this feeling of hate. I knew that if I let this situation go unchecked, the members would scatter again like it happened at Belegost. So I called a new Incursion and took advantage of the Asgardian’s revolt and anger to fuel this new event. Before A2 was destroyed, calling a new incursion was something unthinkable to me, because of how senselessly violent the last one was. But If I had to call a new one to maintain the unity of our group, then I decided to organize it the best I could. I projected the Third Incursion to be an event less violent than the third and more creative and open to everyone. And it worked beautifully.

Thanks to 1.4.7 dupe stashes, all of the Asgardian received stacks of god apples while they forged their own equipment at FOB. Pyrobyte’s help in the construction of Wrath Outpost was absolutely vital. He alone made it possible for SIB to happen. My original plans for the base were much more humble and difficult. We also built monuments at spawn and rebuilt the core. We patrolled some spawn bases and killed players too, but a lot less than the previous one. The event also served as a place for people to work together. A opportunity for players to meet and collaborate, due everyone that decided to side with the incursion (with the exception of the KOS list) would be welcomed to work with us and help with any task. Great contributions from volunteers like Bammerbeast and Dorquemada surprised me a lot.

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To me, I feel that the Third Incursion was a giant “Fuck You” to all the few that hate this group and mocked the destruction of A2. It was a huge and unexpected show of force and determination from the members involved at the very deep core of the server. It was also an open invitation for our enemies to show their faces, which they did… Most of them were killed countless times. Some had to face the indignity to run for their safety and combat log.

The Third Incursion surpassed my expectations, concluding as a successful event and making possible Asgard II rest in peace in our hearts and move on to new challenges."

This Incursion was also known for several exploits used, such as infinite blocks and mob spawning.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

4 Mon. zuvor


0 St. 1 Min, 28 Apr 2015 Jahr
12 St 28 Mai 2015 Jahr
~ 1 months
