// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Indochinese Wars of Independence (5 Dez 1924 Jahr – 12 Okt 1927 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

Indochinese Wars of Independence (5 Dez 1924 Jahr – 12 Okt 1927 Jahr)


Following the greatly weakened French Economy after the Great War, their hold on many of their colonies became slim.

In August 1924, a young man was shot and killed by French Colonial troops in Laos, which by late 1924, had expanded into large scale revolts across Indochina.

By 1925, there were two main revolutionary armies (as well as quite a few smaller ones); The Annam Royal Liberation Front, and the Cambodian People's Army.

Many nations in East Asia participated in the war; Siam and Japan both had interests in expanding their influence. The Treaty of Bangkok in 1926 saw the two nations agree on zones of influence should the War be won. Japan would gain Annam as a client state, while Kampuchea would be a Siamese Protectorate.

The Treaty of Saigon in 1927 saw the independence of these two armies as the Kingdom of Kampuchea, and the United Kingdoms of Annam and the Laos.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


5 Dez 1924 Jahr
12 Okt 1927 Jahr
~ 2 years and 10 months