// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Gang of Four (5 Mai 1966 Jahr – 18 Jul 1976 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

Gang of Four (5 Mai 1966 Jahr – 18 Jul 1976 Jahr)


During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), a group of 4 powerful Communist radicals implemented the harsh CCP policies under Mao Zedong’s direction. The group consisted of Jiang Qing (Mao’s third wife), Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao, and Yao Wenyuan, all of whom had a good standing with Mao and a desire to overthrow moderate government officials. They had all risen up from low- or middle-ranking positions and skillfully manipulated mass media using propaganda during the Cultural Revolution. However, after Mao died, the Gang of Four lost their power, were sent to prison, and were tried for their activities during the Cultural Revolution. Jiang and Zhang were sentenced to death (which was later reduced to a life sentence), Wang was sentenced to life imprisonment, and Yao was sentenced to a 20 year term. Their trial represents a change of direction in the political and economic spheres of China from Mao’s extreme policies to more liberalizing policies of the new government.


Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

11 Dez 2018


5 Mai 1966 Jahr
18 Jul 1976 Jahr
~ 10 years
