June 15, 2024

History Background (1 Jan 2789 Jahr v. Chr. – 28 Jul 602 Jahr)


It all started in really in 2789 BCE when the first vietnam historical dynasty was created. The dynasty was named the Hong Bang Dynasty. This dynasty united a once tribal vietnam and made it one state. Rice was introduced later in 2500 BCE. In 300 BCE Buddhism reaches vietnam and in 118 BCE Confucianism reaches Vietnam. In 111 BCE however the land was conquered by the Chinese Han Dynasty. With constant rebellions taking place China would be in control of Vietnam until 544 CE only to be reconquered in 602 BCE. And that leads us into the time period of the project.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 2789 Jahr v. Chr.
28 Jul 602 Jahr
~ 3393 years