June 15, 2024

1940-1949 (1 Jan 1940 Jahr – 27 Apr 1945 Jahr)


1940 - Women of Quebec are granted voting rights.

1941 - Panama grants limited voting rights to women.

1942 - Women gain full suffrage in the Dominican Republic.

1944 - Bulgaria, France and Jamaica grant suffrage to women.

1945 - Croatia, Indonesia, Italy, Hungary, Japan (with restrictions), Yugoslavia, Senegal and Ireland enact woman suffrage.

1945 - Guyana allows women to stand for election.

1946 - Woman suffrage adopted in Palestine, Kenya, Liberia, Cameroon, Korea, Guatemala, Panama (with restrictions), Romania (with restrictions), Venezuela, Yugoslavia and Vietnam.

1946 - Women allowed to stand for election in Myanmar.

1947 - Bulgaria, Malta, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore and Argentina extend suffrage to women.

1947 - Japan extends suffrage, but still retains some restrictions.

1947 - Mexico grants the vote to women at the municipal level.

1948 - Israel, Iraq, Korea, Niger and Surinam adopt woman suffrage.

1948 - Belgium, which previously granted the vote to women, establishes suffrage with a few restrictions for women.

1949 - Bosnia and Herzegovina grant woman suffrage.

1949 - China and Costa Rica give women the vote.

1949 - Women gain full suffrage in Chile but most vote separately from men.

1949 - Syrian Arab Republic gives the vote to women.

1949/1950 - India grants woman suffrage.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1940 Jahr
27 Apr 1945 Jahr
~ 5 years and 3 months