July 1, 2024

1920 - 1929 (11 Dez 1919 Jahr – 21 Feb 1936 Jahr)


1920 - On August 26, a constitutional amendment is adopted when the state of Tennessee ratifies it, granting full woman suffrage in all states of the United States. (For more on woman suffrage state-by-state, see the American Woman Suffrage Timeline.)

1920 - Woman suffrage is granted in Albania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

1920 - Canadian women get the right to stand for election (but not for all offices - see 1929 below).

1921 - Sweden gives women voting rights with some restrictions.

1921 - Armenia grants woman suffrage.

1921 - Lithuania grants woman suffrage.

1921 - Belgium grants women the right to stand for election.

1922 - Irish Free State, separating from the UK, gives equal voting rights to women.

1922 - Burma grants women voting rights.

1924 - Mongolia, Saint Lucia and Tajikistan give suffrage to women.

1924 - Kazakstan gives limited voting rights to women.

1925 - Italy grants limited voting rights to women.

1927 - Turkmenistan grants woman suffrage.

1928 - The United Kingdom grants full equal voting rights to women.

1928 - Guyana grants woman suffrage.

1928 - Ireland (as part of the UK) expands women's suffrage rights.

1929 - Ecuador grants suffrage, Romania grants limited suffrage.

1929 - Women found to be "persons" in Canada and therefore able to become members of the Senate.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


11 Dez 1919 Jahr
21 Feb 1936 Jahr
~ 16 years