June 15, 2024

Mesopotamia/Sumerians (1 Jan 2100 Jahr v. Chr. – 1 Dez 2000 Jahr v. Chr.)


Sumerians practiced polytheism; the worship of many gods. The Sumerians believed their gods had great power. They could bring a good harvest or a terrible flood, could bring health or illness. Even wealth. Sumerian men and women had different roles, women usually took care of the home and kids. whereas the men had political power and made laws. Education was usually reserved for the upper c lass men but some upper class women were educated too. Some learned women were priestess too. Sumerians made the first writing system; cuneiform. They even made plows, the wheel, and more. They even made sewers under the city's. Used

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 2100 Jahr v. Chr.
1 Dez 2000 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 99 years