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April 1, 2024

Prisoners released (1 Feb 1945 Jahr – 2 Sept 1945 Jahr)


The remaining prisoners are closed in barracks in Dachau, with nothing to do but sit on straw and await death. Vladek recalls there being lice in the straw, so many people got sick with typhus. If there were lice in the shirt of a prisoner, the German soldiers would not give them soup. In the barracks, Vladek meets a French guy who speaks some English, and the two develop a friendship. Being French, people are allowed to send packages to him. When Vladek is given some of his chocolate, Vladek exchanges this for a shirt. After cleaning this shirt and wrapping it in paper, Vladek is able to present this lice-less shirt every meal and fool the Germans to always give him soup. Toward the end of their time in the barracks, Vladek develops Typhus. Unable to eat, Vladek became very weak. The Germans announced that some prisoners were able to be exchanged as war prisoners at the Swiss border, so Vladek paid his friends bread to carry him with them. They went by foot to the frontier, and were then put on a train without guards to an unknown location. Some had suspicions that they were finally free, however the prisoners were caught by the Wehrmacht patrol and taken to the edge of a big lake. The patrol had intended to murder everyone during the night, but the Germans left late in the night without their guns. Again the prisoners believed they were free, however trying to find food, another patrol found them. They trapped them in a big barn, but this too was abandoned. The war was finally over, and they were free.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

17 Okt 2018


1 Feb 1945 Jahr
2 Sept 1945 Jahr
~ 7 months