// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Trapped on the trains (20 Okt 1944 Jahr – 20 Dez 1944 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

Trapped on the trains (20 Okt 1944 Jahr – 20 Dez 1944 Jahr)


From the Gross-Rosen camp, all prisoners were marched and packed onto trains meant for horses and cows. "We lay like matches, like herring." "Maybe 25 people came out from this car of 200." The train continued in a direction that was unknown to the prisoners, until randomly it stopped. There was no food or water for up to a week, so the prisoners died slowly. One day the door opened and the prisoners were ordered to throw out the dead. Those who were alive were shut back in the trains for weeks, with the Germans opening the train each day to keep track of the dead. Finally the trains started moving again, stopping once to allow the Red Cross to provide a small portion of food to the remaining prisoners. Those still alive at this time were chased back into the trains and sent to Dachau

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

17 Okt 2018


20 Okt 1944 Jahr
20 Dez 1944 Jahr
~ 2 months