June 15, 2024

The Roman Empire (Principate Era) (15 März 27 Jahr v. Chr. – 1 Jan 647 Jahr)


With the ascension of Julius Caesar as Princeps Augustus, the Principate Era of the Roman Empire begins. This era is defined by its outward pretensions of democracy underpinning a constitutional autocracy.

Although an autocratic office in every respect, the Princeps is an elected ruler - the election always taking place on the 15th of March, the day the Gods spared Caesar from death at the hands of his senators.

Should a Princeps choose to step down, it is customary to do so on the 15th of March so the Senate can hold the Principal election on the same day. Should a Princeps die in office from natural causes or in battle, the senate will assume the principal duties until the next election can be held.

A provision in the Principal constitution written by Julius Caesar upon his ascension to Augustus states that should the Princeps be murdered by political rivals, including his own bodyguards, the people of Rome shall proclaim a new Princeps by acclamation from among Rome's great and virtuous generals - who, upon being proclaimed, shall avenge his fallen predecessor by bringing his murderers to justice.

After a Princeps has been elected, a week-long celebration is held throughout the streets of Rome in which the Princeps mingles with the people and receives their blessings, while also visiting the temples of the Roman gods to pay them tribute.

On the final day, the 21st of March, the newly elected Princeps visits the grave of Julius Caesar, Divus Iulius, and asks for his guidance, after which the Princeps will be considered ready to assume their office.

In Octavian's time, he visited the elderly Caesar in person, rather

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15 März 27 Jahr v. Chr.
1 Jan 647 Jahr
~ 674 years