// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Invasion of Poland (1 Sept 1939 Jahr – 6 Okt 1939 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

Invasion of Poland (1 Sept 1939 Jahr – 6 Okt 1939 Jahr)


The Invasion of Poland, known in Poland as the September Campaign or the 1939 Defensive War, and in Germany as the Poland Campaign or Fall Weiss, was a joint invasion of Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union, the Free City of Danzig, and a small Slovak contingent that marked the beginning of World War II. The German invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, while the Soviet invasion commenced on 17 September following the Molotov–Tōgō agreement that terminated the Soviet and Japanese hostilities in the east on 16 September. The campaign ended on 6 October with Germany and the Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of Poland under the terms of the German–Soviet Frontier Treaty.
German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west the morning after the Gleiwitz incident. Slovak forces advanced alongside the Germans in northern Slovakia. As the Wehrmacht advanced, Polish forces withdrew from their forward bases of operation close to the Polish–German border to more established lines of defence to the east. After the mid-September Polish defeat in the Battle of the Bzura, the Germans gained an undisputed advantage.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Sept 1939 Jahr
6 Okt 1939 Jahr
~ 1 months and 5 days