June 15, 2024

War of the Pacific (1 März 1879 Jahr – 1 Jan 1884 Jahr)


The War of the Pacific began over Bolivian taxation of Chilean mining companies in the Atacama desert, when Bolivia had previously declared it would not increase these taxes. Chile protested, but Bolivia refused, considering it a subject of Bolivia’s courts.

Chile insisted and informed the Bolivian government that Chile would no longer consider itself bound by the 1874 Boundary Treaty if Bolivia did not suspend enforcing the law. On February 14, 1879 when Bolivian authorities attempted to auction the confiscated property of mining company, Chilean armed forces occupied the port city of Antofagasta.

Peru was bound to aid Bolivia by a secret treaty, and tried to mediate the conflict. However, when Bolivia declared war, Chile demanded a declaration of neutrality from the Peruvians, and when Peru refused, Chile declared war on both nations.

Initial hostiles were slow due to a combination of the ongoing Scramble for Patagonia, and the logistics of the Chileans crossing the extremely dry Atacama desert. However, within a few months, the Chileans had formed a supply line and the land campaign bested both the Peruvian and Bolivian armies. Bolivia withdrew in 1880, while Peru's capital was occupied in 1881.

The Peruvian army continued to engage a guerrilla war against Chile, but it was no effective. On October 20 1883, Peru signed the Treaty of Ancón and a few months later, Bolivia signed a truce with Chile [though the offical treaty would not be signed until 1904]

The Treaty of Ancón saw Peru unconditionally cede the Tarapacá Department. Chile was also to retain control over the conquered provinces of Tacna and Arica for ten years, after which a referendum would be held, though this never occurred. The small colonies and protectorates Peru had established in the 1860's were also given to Chile.

The peace with Bolivia was harshed as it reduced Bolivia to a landlocked state, taking away their resource rich coast. It saw Bolivia cede the Coastal Litoral Department, and the inland Puna de Atacama region both to Chile. Bolivia had attempted to trade the region to Argentina, however American mediators agreed with Chile that such a trade was illegal.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 März 1879 Jahr
1 Jan 1884 Jahr
~ 4 years and 10 months