June 15, 2024

'Long Road Ahead' (The Walking Dead: Season 1 - Episode 3) (15 St 29 Okt 2003 Jahr – 18 St 30 Okt 2003 Jahr)


- Day 102 > 103
- Lee and Kenny are on a supply run.
- Lilly mentions someone is stealing supplies, Lee looks for evidence.
- Lee finds the stolen supplies outside the Motel, bandits attack and they leave in the RV.
- Lilly starts accusing people of stealing the supplies, the RV stops and Lilly murders Carley/Doug (determinant).
- Katjaa reveals that Duck has been bitten.
- The road is blocked by a derailed train.
- Lilly steals the RV (determinant), Lee gets the train working.
- Lee detaches the train and meets Chuck.
- Katjaa commits suicide, Duck dies.
- Chuck convinces Lee to teach Clementine survival skills.
- Lee teaches Clementine how to shoot a gun and cuts her hair.
- Ben confesses, Lee and Clementine discuss Savannah.
- The train stops in front of a large gas tank hanging off a bridge, Omid and Christa join the group.
- Lee and Clementine explore a station and run into walker trouble.
- Lee and Omid cut down the tank, a herd of walkers approach the train and they head to Savannah.
- The stranger speaks on the radio, they arrive at Savannah.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


15 St 29 Okt 2003 Jahr
18 St 30 Okt 2003 Jahr
~ 27 hours
