June 15, 2024

Berlin Wall (Construction-Destruction) (13 Aug 1961 Jahr – 9 Nov 1989 Jahr)


A guarded barrier that divided Berlin physically and ideologically. It was constructed by the German Democratic Republic. The wall cut off West Berlin from East Germany and East Berlin, until government officials opened it in 1989. Premier Khrushchev gave the East German government permission to stop the flow of emigrants by closing its border for good, driving the construction of the Berlin Wall. After the wall was built, it became impossible to get from East to West Berlin except through one of three checkpoints, where East German soldiers screened diplomats and other officials before they were allowed to enter or leave. Travelers from East and West Berlin were rarely allowed across the border, unless it was a special circumstance. As the Cold War began to thaw across Eastern Europe, the East Berlin’s Communist Party announced a change in the relation between the two sectors of the city. Starting at midnight on November 9, citizens of the German Democratic Republic were free to cross the country’s borders, coming together to take down the wall, uniting Berlin once again. A year later, Germany reunited 1990.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


13 Aug 1961 Jahr
9 Nov 1989 Jahr
~ 28 years
