// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. English Civil War (6 Dez 1642 Jahr – 6 Dez 1651 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

English Civil War (6 Dez 1642 Jahr – 6 Dez 1651 Jahr)


A slight majority of the English Parliament was Puritan (a type of Protestant). The king at the time does not actively include the Parliament if at all possible. Rebels from Scotland force him to call parliament together in order to get more money out of the people (and them); they use this opportunity to make demands of him and he refuses, sparking the civil war.

A republican theocracy emerged, run by Calvinists (puritans). Oliver Cromwell was the ruler, and hand-picked his new parliament. He didn't include it in anything either and after his death the old Stuart Monarchy (and the Anglican Church) was returned to power.

The Glorious Revolution removed it and killed the king, passing the throne to the king of the Netherlands and Mary of England.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


6 Dez 1642 Jahr
6 Dez 1651 Jahr
~ 9 years