June 15, 2024

Period 4 (2 Jan 1800 Jahr – 31 Dez 1848 Jahr)


American/National Identity:
-Growing "American" identity helped by things like the American Dictionary.
-Unity threatened by sectional tensions over slavery, tariffs, role of federal government.

Politics and Power:
-Death of the Federalist Party thanks to War of 1812 and Hartford Convention.
-Era of Good Feelings under Democratic-Republican dominance.
-Suffrage expands from property owning white men to all white men, leads to Jacksonian Democracy.
-Democratic Republicans split into the Whigs (strong central government, pro-federally funded infrastructure, pro-tariffs, basically Federalists) and Democrats (weak central government, anti-federally funded infrastructure, anti-tariffs, basically Democratic Republicans). 2nd Party System in America.

Work, Technology, and Exchange:
-North begins industrialization, factories emerge (Lowell Mills).
-Slavery and agriculture continues to expand in the South.
-Expanding infrastructure (roads, canals, and railroads) links Southern and Western farms with Northern factories, leading to Market Revolution.
-Partisan (Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans, later Whigs vs. Democrats) conflict over National Bank.

Culture and Society:
-Second Great Awakening encourages people to improve themselves and society. This desire leads to various reform movements in the 1840s.
-Temperance: Limiting consumption of alcohol.
-Abolitionism: Abolish slavery (Garrison's Liberator, Frederick Douglass).
-Women's Rights: Suffrage and education (Seneca Falls Convention, Declaration of Sentiments.)
-Middle and upper class women limited by "cult of domesticity," lower class women working in factories.

-White Americans continue pushing westward, leads to sectional conflict over expansion of slavery (Missouri Compromise).
-Native Americans forced west via Trail of Tears.
-End of International Slave Trade, internal slave trade continues.

-Spread of cotton leads to expansion of slavery in the South.
-Continued push westward (Louisiana Purchase), beginnings of Manifest Destiny.

America in the World:
-Foreign policy focused on Native Americans, expanding territory.
-War of 1812 ends British presence in North America, ends hopes of Native Americans to prevail.
-America asserts itself on world stage via Monroe Doctrine.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

24 Tagen zuvor


2 Jan 1800 Jahr
31 Dez 1848 Jahr
~ 49 years