June 15, 2024

Period 3 (1754-1800) (1 Jan 1754 Jahr – 31 Dez 1800 Jahr)


American/National Identity:
-Development of a unique American identify encouraged independence from Britain, influenced by Enlightenment.
-American Citizen still white, wealthy despite Declaration of Independence ("All men are created equal.")

Politics and Power:
-Debate with Britain over Direct Representation vs. Virtual Representation. Taxes passed without direct representation led to war.
-First American government: Articles of Confederation (weak; no power to tax, raise army, etc.)
-Articles of Confederation replaced with Constitution (stronger central government)
-Federalists (pro-constitution) vs. Anti-Federalists (anti-constitution) debate new government.
-First Party System in America: Federalists (stronger central government, loose construction, pro-British, led by Alexander Hamilton) vs. Democratic-Republicans (weaker central government, strict construction, pro-French, led by Thomas Jefferson).

Work, Technology, and Exchange:
-End of "salutary neglect" as English government takes more control over colonial economy and trade; this led to war.
-Slavery gradually abolished in the north after Revolution, continues to expand in the South thanks to the cotton gin.

Culture and Society:
-Enlightenment has heavy influence on Revolution; initially only impacting upper class, spreads to everyone via Common Sense by Thomas Paine.
-Women play role in Revolution, but not considered citizens (can't vote, participate in politics). Instead, Republican Motherhood says they are to educate their sons on how to be good citizens.

-Continued push against western frontier for land led to conflict with Natives (Pontiac's Rebellion) and British government (Proclamation of 1763).
-Continued importation of African slaves, especially in the South.

-End of freely available land east pushes lower class west in hopes of a better life.
-Growing divide between coastal elite (tended to be Federalists) vs. poorer westerners (tended to be Democratic-Republicans).

America in the World:
-Emergence of the USA as an independent power.
-Wins Revolution thanks to alliance with France, but some (Federalists) prefer reconciling with Britain.
-American policy of neutrality is established (Proclamation of Neutrality, Washington's Farewell Address).

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

24 Tagen zuvor


1 Jan 1754 Jahr
31 Dez 1800 Jahr
~ 47 years