June 15, 2024

Period 1 (1 Jan 1491 Jahr – 1 Jan 1607 Jahr)


American/National Identity:
-Great diversity, little cohesion among Native American tribes based on region/geography.
-Europeans had no intention of staying long.

Politics and Power:
-Spanish dominated Americas
French and Dutch: Mostly focused on fur trade with Native Americans.
-Conflict with Native Americans over land.

Work, Technology, and Exchange:
-Columbian Exchange saw food, plants, people, and disease traded between New and Old World.
-Spanish establish Encomienda System to manage labor in Americas.
-Most labor in America done by slaves (both Native American and African).

Culture and Society:
-Blending of Native American and European cultures; each took something from the other.
-Spanish establish Casta (caste) system that organized society based on racial background.
-Exploration driven partly by desire to spread Christianity.

Migration and Settlement:
-Humans first come to Americas via the Bering Land Bridge.
-Europeans begin exploration looking for trade routes to Asia.
-Europeans began extracting resources from Americas., spreading Christianity.

-European diseases (smallpox) kill upwards of 90% of Native Americans in some places.
-Massive extraction of wealth via mining (gold, silver) and agriculture (sugar, tobacco).

America in the World:
-Discovery of America saw competition between Europeans for land and resources, as well as Native Americans. This competition led to both conflict and alliances.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

24 Tagen zuvor


1 Jan 1491 Jahr
1 Jan 1607 Jahr
~ 116 years