July 1, 2024

The Redpox Epidemic in Bronkasla (1 Apr 852 Jahr – 1 Okt 871 Jahr)


During the SukamStialamBronkaslota, the Redpox disease in Lílantum was brought over to the Bronkasloi people by the Lílantoi soldiers. The disease ravaged the Western portion of the nation and eventually spread to the whole region.

The problem became so bad that Tusam Saudam Polabram ordered a mandatory quarantine for Bronkasla starting in 863. The quarantine starved the people of Bronkasla and it also benefited Saudam in being able to get rid of the political rivals in the former empire. He restricted trade entirely and only allowed for interregional travel within the former empire and the only food or water to be brought into the area had to be from Bronkasla. The drastic conditions were not lifted until 875 when Saudam was forced to by the Senate.

Saudam's Quarantine effectivly brought mass starvation into the region that lasted for decades.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Apr 852 Jahr
1 Okt 871 Jahr
~ 19 years