July 1, 2024

Carpenter returns for the last time (20 Feb 1987 Jahr – 30 März 1987 Jahr)


In late February 1987, Carpenter was discharged from the hospital and returned to 1426 F Street. She was very ill when she arrived and looked "close to death." She "moaned and groaned constantly" and frequently demanded that defendant bring her medication. Defendant gave her pills when she asked for them. A few weeks after Carpenter arrived, she disappeared. Defendant told another tenant that Carpenter's daughter had taken her away. A week later, a woman identifying herself as Carpenter's daughter came looking for Carpenter. Defendant was not home at the time. When told of this, defendant said that she had taken Carpenter to a nursing home.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


20 Feb 1987 Jahr
30 März 1987 Jahr
~ 1 months and 8 days