June 15, 2024

Anduonam's Rebellion [Vadeigoram Anduono] (1 Apr 188 Jahr – 11 Nov 190 Jahr)


Anduonam + his supporters vs Tousam Sodam + Turkenam Savui
Sodam's victory
Anduonam and his supporters were imprisoned and Anduonam was sentenced to his death which was to take place on April 20, 195 in Vekosum Square in Dinisum. However, he escaped imprisonment through the help of his sister, Kelsem, and the two made their way to Tusetia.

Anduonam Votesdam was the first born son of Tousam Edam Delam but he was not given Emperorship by his father when he retired. Instead, it was given to Anduonam's little brother, Sodam.

After his escape from prison, he took his sister as his wife (which was horribly taboo in Turkenam Savui) and marched on Dinisum in 205 to try to take back the throne from his brother.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Apr 188 Jahr
11 Nov 190 Jahr
~ 2 years and 7 months