June 15, 2024

Reign of Usegam Ysibe [DHSR] (14 St. 7 Min, 21 März 1905 Jahr – 1 St. 24 Min, 20 Mai 1906 Jahr)


He died of genetic leukemia. Usegam had been battling it since the beginning of 1906. He was seen as the perfect Haddakuist leader in the eyes of the Dapranian Haddakuists and during his rule, no famines or political corruption was visibly seen. A statue of him was built in 1926 on the 10th anniversary of his death in Sadon but it was torn and melted down during the White War and the molten metal was used to create a new bell for the Chalmi Bell Tower in Sadon after it was destroyed by a bombing raid. The statue's head was given to the Dapranian Haddakuist Socialist Republic in 1942 as a diplomatic gift between Sadon and the UHSR. The head was given a new body and it was placed in Midi in the Ysibe Central Square.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

10 Mon. zuvor


14 St. 7 Min, 21 März 1905 Jahr
1 St. 24 Min, 20 Mai 1906 Jahr
~ 1 years