June 15, 2024

The First Hells War (21 März 1280 Jahr – 12 St. 12 Min, 2 Jun 1320 Jahr)


Oipienta, Ecrad, Etrill, Daprania vs Uytile, Larifien, Grotian, Klertinia
Indecisive Victory

When news got out that Larifien and Grotian decalred war on Oipienta, a mass exodus of Oipientians living near the borders of Grotian-Oipienta and Larifien-Oipienta fled to Western Oipienta. These people were mainly farmers and as a result, the Northern and Southern Oipientian economies plummeted as these farmers were the only thing keeping the region alive. However, Western Oipienta was now the powerhouse of the country.

The war was started by Oipienta because Uytilian army men kept raiding, pillaging, and scorching the farms and the countrys ides of Eastern Oipienta. This is and what Girodhel of the King's Council said that Oipienta is weak is what pushed Javik to declare war, to stop Uytile from hurting Oipienta and to show the world that Oipienta will never be weak.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


21 März 1280 Jahr
12 St. 12 Min, 2 Jun 1320 Jahr
~ 40 years