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April 1, 2024

The Politicization of Social Media (1 Jan 2016 Jahr – 9 St. 2 Min, 29 Mai 2024 Jahr)


Since the 2016 U.S. presidential election, social media has increasingly become an instrument of political polarization in the United States. The use of social media platforms by political actors, such as politicians, party elites, and interest groups, to spread information, mobilize voters, and attack any and all opponents has intensified. Social media has since become the most efficient outlet to quickly spread certain narratives to essentially all voting demographics. The platforms have also facilitated the spread of fake news, conspiracy theories, and propaganda, all of which have intensified political divisions and cleavages while contributing to the formation of echo chambers for users. Modern-day social media algorithms are often programmed to show users content that aligns with their existing beliefs, leading to increased polarization and a lack of exposure to differing perspectives. More specifically, during his presidency, Donald Trump used social media extensively to increase political polarization and feelings of animosity in the United States. Trump's tweets and posts on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook often contained controversial and divisive language, attacking political opponents, the media, and minority groups. He also used social media to spread false and misleading information, contributing to the spread of conspiracy theories and the further promotion of alternative facts. Furthermore, social media has been used to organize protests and rallies, which can further inflame political tensions. Since 2016, social media has played a significant role in exacerbating political polarization in the United States.

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1 Jan 2016 Jahr
9 St. 2 Min, 29 Mai 2024 Jahr
~ 8 years and 4 months