July 1, 2024

Black Panther Party (15 Okt 1966 Jahr – 1 Jan 1982 Jahr)


The Black Panther Party was formed by Huey Newton to protect themselves and their community with militent force when necessary. This went against the nonviolence approach of the civil rights movement and the gaining of weapons to protect their community from police brutailty. This made the cops very uncomfterable starting an arms race between the two. At their peak they had about 2,000 members activley pratroling. They started by advocating for black history classes, starting a free breakfast program for kids and successfully set up 13 health clinics. Their social programs made them popular but the had problems with violnce as they had several shoot outs with the cops and violent inn fighting in which two members were killed. The violence and devided leadership was their downfall and in 1982 they disbanned.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


15 Okt 1966 Jahr
1 Jan 1982 Jahr
~ 15 years
