June 15, 2024

Qing Dynasty (1 Feb 1644 Jahr – 11 Feb 1912 Jahr)


The Qing Dynasty in China was the last imperial dynasty, ruling from 1644 to 1912. The dynasty was founded by the Manchu people, who conquered China and established their rule over the Han Chinese.

The Qing Dynasty was characterized by a period of expansion, with the dynasty conquering Taiwan, Mongolia, Tibet, the Gobi and the Taklamakan. The dynasty also saw the introduction of significant cultural and social changes, including the development of the Manchu language and the adoption of Confucianism as the state ideology.

The Qing Dynasty faced significant challenges throughout its history, including political corruption, economic decline, and pressure from foreign powers. The Opium Wars in the mid-19th century and the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 were significant events that challenged Qing authority and weakened the dynasty's grip on power.

The Qing Era also saw significant cultural and intellectual developments, including the flourishing of literature, art, and philosophy. However, the dynasty's rule was marked by significant social inequalities and political repression, with the ruling class often suppressing dissent and opposition.

The Qing Dynasty was overthrown in 1912 following the 1911 Xinhai Revolution, which marked the end of imperial rule in China and the beginning of the Republican Era. The legacy of the Qing Era continues to shape Chinese society and culture today, with many of its traditions and institutions still being preserved and celebrated.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

11 Apr 2023


1 Feb 1644 Jahr
11 Feb 1912 Jahr
~ 268 years
