June 15, 2024

About 45 Yr from Governor to Death (1 Jul 47 Jahr v. Chr. – 26 Jan 1 Jahr v. Chr.)


Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews
William Whiston, A.M., Ed.
J. AJ 17.146

NOW Herod's ambassadors made haste to Rome; but sent, as instructed beforehand, what answers they were to make to the questions put to them. They also carried the epistles with them. But Herod now fell into a distemper, and made his will, and bequeathed his kingdom to [Antipas], his youngest son; and this out of that hatred to Archclaus and Philip, which the calumnies of Antipater had raised against them. He also bequeathed .a thousand talents to Caesar, and five hundred to Julia, Caesar's wife, to Caesar's children, and friends and freed-men. He also distributed among his sons and their sons his money, his revenues, and his lands. He also made Salome his sister very rich, because she had continued faithful to him in all his circumstances, and was never so rash as to do him any harm; and as he despaired of recovering, for he was about the seventieth year of his age, he grew fierce, and indulged the bitterest anger upon all occasions; the cause whereof was this, that he thought himself despised, and that the nation was pleased with his misfortunes; besides which, he resented a sedition which some of the lower sort of men excited against him, the occasion of which was as follows.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jul 47 Jahr v. Chr.
26 Jan 1 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 46 years