// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The 1353 Naitan War (9 Okt 1353 Jahr – 2 Jun 1358 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

The 1353 Naitan War (9 Okt 1353 Jahr – 2 Jun 1358 Jahr)


Krilkot vs Naita
Krilkot claimed Naitan land
Krilkotian victory

Krilkot only claimed the mining town of Birosk. However, Naita became heavily corrupt and fell into a devastating depression and famine due to the war and collapsed. This allowed for Krilkot to establish control over the entire region and annex all of Naita. The Krilkotians did not aid the people in their newly annexed land and instead exploited the resources within the former Naitan territory.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

2 Tagen zuvor


9 Okt 1353 Jahr
2 Jun 1358 Jahr
~ 4 years and 7 months