June 15, 2024

Ebb and Flo (14 Nov 2005 Jahr – 26 Jul 2006 Jahr)


The world of Ebb and Flo is seen through Ebb's eyes and Ebb reveals all the emotions grown-ups usually try to hide.

5-year-old Flo does not think of Ebb as a dog, and Ebb doesn't think of Flo as a child, they're simply best friends. Life revolves around their home, a boat moored near the mouth of a sea estuary, the boatyard and the little dinghy in which they visit Flo's Granny. She lives up a nearby creek and at her house in the wilderness, time seems to stand still.

As they play, they find there are so many things to discover and with the arrival of Bird (a large white goose), Ebb finds that some of life's early lessons are tough to deal with. With Flo's help though, and her own naughty humour, Ebb struggles through. But never far away, Ma keeps a watchful eye over them, but rarely intrudes on their life together with Bird as they make new friends in and around the boatyard.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


14 Nov 2005 Jahr
26 Jul 2006 Jahr
~ 8 months
