June 15, 2024

Emporor Augustus (23 Sept 27 Jahr v. Chr. – 14 Apr 14 Jahr)


Upon his defeat of Mark Anthony - the last remaining member of the Second Triumvirate opposing his sole rule of the empire - Augustus emerges as the sole ruler of Rome. He reigns until his death (most likely from natural causes) at the age of 75, leaving his son-in-law Tiberius as a sort of caretaker, until one of Augustus's grandchildren are ready to take power.

Augustus's reign is upheld as a Golden Era of the Empire and many perceive it as a glorious apex before a protracted decline and eventually fall. Much of the turmoil and problems that are to follow his reign can be traced to institutions and decrees established now. The creation of Praetorian Guard and subsequent expansion under Tiberius is essential to understanding much of the power struggles occur over the next century or so.

Under Augustus Rome is transformed through the creation of a number of stupendous monuments into a lavish capitol worthy of an empire which now controls the greatest extent of Europe. Gone are the ascetic ideals (although they really perished under the late republic emphasised by the role of Cato in the senate) and the rough nature of Rome as a squalid metropolis mocked by the more ancient capitols of Athens, Alexandria and the Eastern states.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


23 Sept 27 Jahr v. Chr.
14 Apr 14 Jahr
~ 42 years
