June 15, 2024

Delian League (1 Jan 477 Jahr v. Chr. – 1 Jan 404 Jahr v. Chr.)


Foundation of the Delian League by Athens against Persia, lasted until the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC. Was a tool of Athens political power.• Athens did not allow member states to leave the League. If deemed necessary, Athens brought friendly democratic regimes to power in member states. Athens confiscated part of territory of member states (especially after an attempt to secede), establishing colonies of Athenian citizens (cleruchies). Athens meddled in the member states’ financial and legal matters, creating for example the possibility of appeal to an Athenian popular court against verdicts given by the judiciaries in member states.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 477 Jahr v. Chr.
1 Jan 404 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 73 years