June 15, 2024

1626 - 1636 PAESANTS' War in Upper Austria (1 Jan 1626 Jahr – 31 Dez 1636 Jahr)


The Peasants' War in Upper Austria (German: Oberösterreichischer Bauernkrieg) was a rebellion led by farmers in 1626 whose goal was to free Upper Austria from Bavarian rule.

The motive (found in the Frankenburger Würfelspiel of 1625) was an escalation of the Bavarian kingdom's attempt to press the country into the Catholic faith at the time of the Thirty Years' War.

Upper Austria had been rebellious for centuries, with 62 known uprisings between 1356 and 1849, 14 of which occurred in the 16th century.

However, the Peasants' War of 1626 was the costliest in terms of human life and damage to livestock and property.

The war caused Martin Aichinger to lose his farm and begin roaming the country.

He eventually became a religious leader who led a popular revolt against aristocratic rule.

His revolutionary ideas frightened the rulers so much that they tried to arrest him, leading to another series of uprisings that ended in the Battle on the Frankenberg (German "Schlacht auf dem Frankenberg") in 1636.

All of Aichinger's followers were slaughtered during the battle, including the remaining women and children who had been in hiding.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1626 Jahr
31 Dez 1636 Jahr
~ 11 years
