// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Fourth Oipientixian Crusade (22 Nov 1577 Jahr – 10 Okt 1583 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

The Fourth Oipientixian Crusade (22 Nov 1577 Jahr – 10 Okt 1583 Jahr)


Southern Oipientixians vs Thesian Followers
With the migration of the Thesians from Velzenia, they went into hiding in the major cities of Sestos and Atetak Barob, as well as Daroub. However, they reemerged in the late 1570s and started causing mayhem. The Southern Oipientixians declared war against the Thesians to try and force them back out of the cities. Through the use of Javician mercenaries, the Oipientixians were able to push them out of Barob. In Sestos, the city was split between the Oipientixian and Thesians and in Daroub, the Thesians took control of the city. Daroub, later was called the Capital of the Thesian religion and had trade cut off from the major Oipientixian centers.

Mixed victories (Atetak Eng Barob: Oipientixian victory, Sestos: White Peace, Barob: Thesian Victory

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


22 Nov 1577 Jahr
10 Okt 1583 Jahr
~ 5 years and 10 months