June 15, 2024

Nathan Holmes AH TEXTS (12 St. 2 Min, 22 März 2013 Jahr – 0 St. 14 Min, 23 März 2013 Jahr)


NH to AH:
On my way to get him

AH to NH:
Trying to wake him now

NH to AH:
Hahahaha ok, thank you

17:56 AH to NH
Success! he's coming down

17:58 AH to NH
You guys here?

17:58 NH to AH

17:58 AH to NH
Coming in 2

18:01 NH to AH
The woman downstairs just blocked us in and went in the apartment

21:56 NH to AH
Do you have your I pad or is this it? (texts photo of iPad)

22:12 AH to NH
That's it!
Will you tell me when he's leaving?

22:17 NH to AH
Perfect.. I think he's going to stay up at 66 tonight, but I really don't know. I will hold on to your iPad and get it back to you tomorrow

22:23 AH to NH
Is he? Will you ask him to call me?

22:24 NH to AH
I don't know what he's doing.. I will keep you posted.. I think he's texting you now.
he's sat talking to ruth

22:34 AH to NH
See you later

22:34 NH to AH
Yay x

23:57 AH to NH
Is he alright?
Still upright?

23:59 NH to AH
He's a lot better that he was.. Still upright

00:00 AH to NH
OK. Good. text me if u need to

00:02 NH to AH
Will do lovely... Are you ok ?

00:02 AH to NH
I guess. Sad, But ok. Thanks for asking. Hope you're ok too..? See you tomorrow.

00:06 NH to AH
It might be good if he stays here tonight, just to give you a peaceful night and also let him sober up.. Hopefully we can get him into work mode tomorrow and you can come up!! bring a hot single friend with you.. Or your sister!! Hahahaha I just want everyone to be happy.

00:10 NH to AH
He won't drink at work because he thinks no one knows he's drinking again

00:11 AH to NH
Yea - I think so too. Is he still hanging out?
Does he seem like he'll stay settled?

00:12 NH to AH
He's sat in 66 with ruth[sic], Calvin and Bruce.. I'm hiding in the kitchen

00:13 AH to NH
OK, Good. I hope he wants to stay there.
I'll text him. I'm falling out soon [sic]. Maybe that'll help

00:14 NH to AH
He should stay. I will make sure he does..get a good nights sleep

UK Court Documents:
NGN Closing Statement Appendix 1

US VA Amber Heard Exhibit 164 - not entered into Court Evidence.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

1 Tagen zuvor


12 St. 2 Min, 22 März 2013 Jahr
0 St. 14 Min, 23 März 2013 Jahr
~ 12 hours
