June 15, 2024

Later Liang (後梁) (1 Feb 907 Jahr – 1 Jan 923 Jahr)


During the Tang Dynasty, the warlord Zhu Wen held the most power in northern China. Although he was originally a member of Huang Chao's rebel army, he took on a crucial role in suppressing the Huang Chao Rebellion. For this function, he was awarded the Xuanwu Jiedushi title. Within a few years, he had consolidated his power by destroying neighbours and forcing the move of the imperial capital to Luoyang, which was within his region of influence. In 904, he executed Emperor Zhaozong of Tang and made Zhaozong's 13-year-old son, Ai Di (Emperor Ai of Tang), a subordinate ruler. Three years later, he induced the boy emperor to abdicate in his favour. He then proclaimed himself emperor, thus beginning the Later Liang.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Feb 907 Jahr
1 Jan 923 Jahr
~ 15 years