// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. The Commonwealth of Greater Fevak (13 Dez 1939 Jahr – 10 St 1 Sept 1965 Jahr) (Band der Zeit)
April 1, 2024

The Commonwealth of Greater Fevak (13 Dez 1939 Jahr – 10 St 1 Sept 1965 Jahr)


The nation of Greater Larifya began means of annexation with Cepran. However, the Cepran lords did not want to be ruled by Greater Larifya unless the nation reverted back to a monarchy. The people of Greater Larifya decided to return to a hereditary monarchy once the union between Cepran and them was complete. The King of Cepran, King Hirthip pit Mëtet, betrothed his daughter to the President of Greater Larifya's son, Æshüth Khëytir. Once Hirthip's daughter, Aleth, came of age, the union of Cepran and Greater Larifya commenced and the Commonwealth of Greater Fevak was formed. In this commonwealth, Aleth ruled over the Cepran region while Æshüth ruled over the Larifyan regions. Their fathers ruled over the nations until they both died.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

2 Tagen zuvor


13 Dez 1939 Jahr
10 St 1 Sept 1965 Jahr
~ 25 years
