June 15, 2024

Swein Godwinson in and out of exile (1 Sept 1047 Jahr – 1 Jun 1050 Jahr)


Late in 1047 Sweyn left England to take refuge with Baldwin V, Count of Flanders. During his exile he travelled first to Flanders, then to Denmark before returning to England in 1049 to beg for forgiveness. He appears to have been expelled from Denmark for an unspecified offence. His brother Harold and cousin Beorn first opposed Sweyn's return, perhaps refusing to return any land, but Beorn eventually agreed to support him.

While accompanying his cousin to meet the King, having already been pardoned, Swein had his cousin Beorn murdered (Beorn was sent by ship to Dartmouth, killed and his body buried) and was again exiled, condemned as a niðing, a man of no honour. It appears that Sweyn was once again pardoned, despite his crimes, in 1050. It was probably his father who pleaded his case to the King, but it may have been Ealdred, Bishop of Worcester, who met him in Flanders returning from his pilgrimage.

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:

5 Feb 2018


1 Sept 1047 Jahr
1 Jun 1050 Jahr
~ 2 years and 9 months