June 15, 2024

Chedorlaomer King of Elam (1 Jan 1990 Jahr v. Chr. – 1 Jan 1954 Jahr v. Chr.)


See reference below for convincing argument on copper head portrayal

Gertoux, Gérard. Sarah wife of Abraham Fairy tale or real history? Outcome of the Investigation.

Information about Elam comes almost exclusively from Sumerian King lists...

(Dynasty of Ur I) Meš-ane-pada was king 80 yrs; Meš-ki-ag-nuna, son of Meš-ane-pada, was king 36 yrs; Elulu reigned 25 yrs; Balulu reigned 36 yrs; 4 kings reigned 177 yrs. Ur was defeated, its kingship passed to Awan:
(Dynasty of Awan I) [-] was king [- yrs]; [-]-lu, he reigned [- yrs]; Ku-ul-[-] was king, he reigned 36 yrs. 3 kings ruled 356 yrs. Awan was defeated, its kingship passed to Kish: (Dynasty of Kish II) Susuda, the Fuller, was king 201+ yrs; Dadasig, he reigned 81 yrs; Mamagal, the Boatman, he reigned 360 yrs; Kalbum, son of Mamagal, he reigned 195 yrs; Tuge, he reigned 360 yrs; Men-nuna, he reigned 180 yrs; Enbi-Ištar, he reigned 290 yrs; Lugalmu, he reigned 360 yrs. 8 kings reigned 3,195 yrs. Kish was defeated, its kingship passed to Hamazi.

The transcription of the 3rd and last name of the Awan dynasty is read ku- ul[-] but as no Elamite name begins in kul-2 the reading should be ku-du7[-] because Elamite names starting in ku- are always in ku-du[-] and the ul sign may also be read du...
Kudur-Lagamar’s name is located in a part of the prism which is unfortunately very damaged but three important data have been preserved: a mighty king of Elam at the end of the 3rd millennium BCE, whose name was Kudu[-], died without a successor.

An overlap of all available documents leads to the following conclusion (De Grief, Tavernier: 2012, 293-303): Puzur-Inšušinak was the first Elamite ruler (Awan I) who was able to dominate a major chunk of Babylonia by means of alliances to control main trade routes to Syria...
Mesopotamian kings indeed used to intervene westward to the Mediterranean...
The war of Abraham is located at a time when Mesopotamian kingdoms competed with each other and with the Elamite kings to trade in the west. The east-west axis was an important trade route for the Elamites because it was the “tin road” (necessary for the manufacture of bronze) connecting Susa to Ugarit and Byblos (Joannès: 1991, 67-76), or Kanesh (and major Hittite cities of central Anatolia) via Assur (the capital of Assyria). Economic reasons explain some alliances between cities and the emergence of conflicts (which was rarely written about).

The king of Elam Puzur-Inšušinak founded his very brief empire (Awan I) by allying with the military aristocracy of kings of Gutium and joining the kings of Akkad to control the trade route towards Syria. Taxation (and plunder) of
this important trade route severely disadvantaged Sumerian cities causing their resentment.

Relationships with the kings of Elam remained cordial [until]... in the year 34 of his reign Šulgi sacked the city of Anšan [in Elam]... The hostility against Elam during this period was mainly directed against the king of Awan,,,Indeed, the large booty paid in year 47 was offered in compensation (Šimaški was not attacked or threatened) and the presence during year 1 of Amar-Sîn of ambassadors from Šimaški was likely due to the death of Kudu[ur- Lagamar] in 1954 BCE, king of Awan.

The capture in Elam of Uruk's goddess Nanaya during the 1st Elamite domination was seen as a bad omen announcing the fatal outcome during the 2nd Elamite domination9. Nanaya, the “mistress of the world”, was the most powerful goddess and had a special link with the king (Streck, Wasserman: 2012, 183-201).,,
This explains why the capture of this goddess by the king of Awan, Kudu[-Laga]mar, caused (later) such a scandal in the lament for Sumer and Ur... Šulgi sacked the city of Anšan (1968 BCE), even though he had entered into an alliance with Elam just 4 years earlier (the Awan dynasty was considered as powerful as that of Ur III). This turnaround could be explained by the seizing of Nanaya by Ku-du[r-Laga]mar, the 3rd and last king of Awan I... Paradoxically, the sacking of the city of Susa by Ashurbanipal (646 BCE) would allow Nanaya to return to its place of origin.

Ashurbanipal took to king Humban-haltas III the ancient statue of Nanaya which was in Susa for 1635 years (after Ur I, actually 1321 years after Ur III) to give it back to Uruk

The Spartoli tablets describe the attack of Babylonia by the king of Elam... Several features attributed to Kudur-KUKUmal20 in the narrative correspond exclusively to Kudu[r-Lagamar] king of Awan: 1) he legitimately dominated Babylonia for a time, 2) he then did evil in particular by addressing the shrine of E-ana (Uruk), 3) he associated with the Umman-manda or hordes of Gutium (Adali: 2009: 279-282), 4) he took goods and carried them off to Elam and he subdued some nobles.
The name was read initially Kudur-laḫgumal by Theophilus G. Pinches in 1902. Although late (i.e. 140 BCE) these three tablets were copied from an inscription dating from the time of Ashurbanipal around 650 BCE (Astour: 1966, 65-112). Cuneiform writing of the
name KU-KU-KU-KU-MAL is likely Ku-dur-KU-KU-mal (KU sign is polyphonic), because Elamite names beginning in Ku- are always written Kudur-. The reading Ku-dur- of KU-KU- is usual but the second part (-KU-KU-mal or -KU- mal) has obviously been simplified23. As the first part of the name means “[statue's] bearer” in Elamite the second part has to be an Elamite god or goddess. The only name of a deity that ends in -mal is precisely the antique Elamite goddess Lagamal, written Lagamar in Akkadian (Grillot-Susini: 2008, 12).

The wicked and criminal kings who are associated with Kudur-KUKUmal: Eri-e-Aku, Dur-ṣil-ilani son of Eri-e-Aku and Tudḫula son of Gazza[-] are unknown. However Eri-e-Aku could have been king of Larsa according the inscriptions of Kudur-Mabuk who was king21 Larsa for a year (1740 BCE). These kings attribute their kingship to the goddess Nanaya22, as kings of Ur III did (Sollberger, Kupper: 1971, 202-203). The Akkadian name Warad-Sîn, king (LUGAL) of Larsa, is written Eri-Aku (e-ri-a-ku) which is a transcription of the Sumerian name IR-AGA “servant of the lunar disc” (Pinches: 1902: 218-221) translated into Akkadian as (u)-ar-du-a-gû Warad-Agu, an equivalent of Warad-Sîn “servant of the Moon (god)”. Thus Eri-Aku could be the name of a former king (ENSI) of Larsa and by deduction Tudḫula son of Gazza[- ] would have been a king of Gutium. These kings are located in a period (1990- 1954) that has not been registered since the last known king (LUGAL) of Gutium is Tirigan (2032-2024) and the 1st king (ENSI) of Larsa is Naplanum (1931-1910).

The war against Susa (2016 BCE) could be linked with the expulsion of Gutians and the war against Anšan (1968 BCE) could be linked with the capture of Nanaya (De Grief, Tavernier: 2012: 285-290).

After the destruction of Ur the kings of Elam were blackened because they were charged with all misfortunes that occurred in the land of Sumer. Paradoxically, the famous king Šulgi was also made responsible for these misfortunes according to a Babylonian Chronicle written around 251 BCE. Two other texts (written c. 1100 BCE) confirm that Shulgi made a catastrophic partnership with Elam: an older Babylonian Chronicle26 and the enigmatic text called “Shulgi prophecy27” (Foster: 2005, 357-358). Muršili, king of the Hittites, fulfilled the prophecy when he destroyed Babylon (in 1499 BCE).

According to this chronological interpretation [of the Sulgi prophecy], the departure of Nanaya (in procession) would have initially been accepted by Šulgi (to enter into an alliance with Awan), but he was deceived by Kudur-Lagamar who kept the goddess. Thereafter Šulgi tried unsuccessfully to recover his statue in 1968 BCE. In fact, the year 1968 BCE was a hinge date in the history of Sumer. In 1968 BCE Abram was 70 years old and because he lived in Ur, the seat of Shulgi's kingdom, he must have learned that Chedorlaomer had confiscated the statue of the goddess Nanaya.

As the sole criterion of truth in history is chronology, identifying Chedorlaomer, king of Elam who dominated for 14 years Transjordanian cities (1968-1954), according to chapter 14 of Genesis, with the king of Elam Kutu[r- Laga]mar (1990-1954), who received officially in 1968 BCE the title of “King of Akkad” when he confiscated the goddess Nanaya to Shulgi, the king of Ur, is chronologically perfect.

See also Collapse of Ur to the right

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 Jan 1990 Jahr v. Chr.
1 Jan 1954 Jahr v. Chr.
~ 36 years
