June 15, 2024

49 yr from Temple to Crucifixion [John 2:13-20] (1 März 17 Jahr v. Chr. – 3 Apr 33 Jahr)


The Atonement Clock by Christian Gedge

John 2:13-20. This was the occasion when Jesus claimed he would rebuild the temple within three days, to which the Jews replied, “it has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?" This discussion took place early in Christ’s ministry, shortly after his first miracle, and it was Passover time. Therefore, since it was the first year of his ministry, it would have been exactly three years prior to the last Passover. This information enables precision dating of Christ’s death because Herod began construction of the temple in 20 BC. 20 BC plus 46 comes out as AD 27. Add three more years and what have we got? Passover (April) AD 30!

Zugefügt zum Band der Zeit:


1 März 17 Jahr v. Chr.
3 Apr 33 Jahr
~ 50 years